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The law in the UK states that every child must be educated to a high standard. All schools have to follow strict regulations regarding attendance. Every absence has to be recorded and reported to the government.

At St Augustine's we aim to ensure that every child achieves their full potential, and to do this, every day counts.

Help us to help your child be 'the best that they can be' by ensuring all absences are kept to a minimum and please do not take your child away from their education for a holiday.

Together we can make sure that we foster good habits and equip our children with the life skills needed for their future success.


Please remember to ring or email before 9am to report your child's absence each day:

Telephone: 01925 633317

Email: staugustines_primary@sch.warrington.gov.uk

If you would like to discuss your child's attendance or any concerns you may have please contact Mrs Halliwell or Mr Bentley


Attendance Ceritficates

At the end of each term, as part of our Celebration Assemley, certificates will awared to the children for good attendance:

100%               Gold Certificate along with award (book mark, badge, pencil)

98% - 99.99%    Silver Certificate

96% - 97.99%    Bronze Certificate

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