Covenant with the poor
Are we following in Jesus' footsteps?
Throughout his life Jesus taught us the importance of caring for those less fortunate than ourselves. One of the ways that we put our Mission Statement into action at St. Augustines is through our Covenant With the Poor. Every half term a class takes charge of raising money or donations for a charity to help those in need. Our families and friends are always so supportive that we are always overwhelmed by its success!
This term the children wanted to support other families both in our Warrington community and further afield. We received very generous donations of store cupboard staples and luxurt treat items for the St. Joseph's Family Centre Christmas Hampers.
Our children in Y6 are organising a whole school Christmas Bingo event to raise money to purchase a CAFOD World Gift.
Watch this space for more details!
Please take a look at some of the work we have done over the years as a whole school to ensure that we are putting our faith into action and truly following in Jesus' footsteps...
Year 6 Covenant with the Poor December 2024
Year 6 have raised a fantastic £190 for Cafod's World Gifts. The Reverse Advaent Calndar was a huge success and our youngest children really enjoyed getting involved. Year 6 carefully worked out how to spend the money they raised to ensure that the gifts could help as many global brother and sisters as possible. The final gift selection included: teach someone to read, emergency water and soup kitchens.

Year 1 and 2 Covenant with the Poor May 2024
Year 1 and 2 had so much fun completing their sponsored walk. They were thrilled to welcome Zoe from Room at the Inn, who shared some information about the charity and answered any questions the children had about the work they do. She was blown away by the £2000 raised by school!
Year 3 and 4 Covenant with the Poor November 2023
![IMG_E1445[1] IMG_E1445[1]](/warrington/primary/st-augustines/arenas/websitecontent/web/img_e1445[1]_20241002143129172.jpg?width=1920&height=1080&scale=LIMIT_MAXSIZE)
The children of Year 3 and 4 were very keen to ensure that we collected as many food items as possible for the St Joseph's Family Centre Christmas Appeal. The children suggested a pyjama and movie afternoon in return for food donations. As suspected, this captured the interest of the whole school community and we were able to deliver a huge amount of food items, including some Christmas treats to the St Joseph's Family Centre in Warrington. These will be used to create food hampers to bring some extra joy at Christmas to many families within our community.
Year 4/5 Covenant with the Poor April 2023
Year 4/5 raised a whopping £442 for The Good Shepherd Appeal. This money will be spent supporting families in crisis across our local community, allowing the charity to continue their vital work of caring for, educating and protecting those who are vulnerable and at risk.

Year 2 Covenant with the Poor February 2023
Year 2 had an overwhelming response to their appeal to raise money for the wonderful, local charity, Room at the Inn. We raised £140! This money will go a long way in supporting the homeless of Warrington with a warm bed and hot meals. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity.

Year 2 were well and truly blown away by the generosity from our school families and community, once again, on our funky socks day. After learning about the Christmas Hamper Project that Saint Joseph's Family Centre run, the Year 2 children planned a Funky Socks Day in exchange for food items. Thank you so much for your kind donations, helping us on our Advent journey, to spread a little hope to those families in our community who need it.
Year 3/4 St Joseph's Family Centre Appeal- November 2022

Our Year 3 and 4 school councillors launched the St Joseph's Family Centre christmas hamper appeal this year. We would like to thank our school community for their food donations, which will be used to create hampers for families across Warrington, who would benefit from a little extra support over the festive period. It was a wonderful way to lead us all into our Advent journey, reminding us that we should support and spread joy amongst our wider community.
Year 4 September 2019 Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thanks to fantastic support from our families, we raised a great amount of money for Macmillan Cancer Care by holding our annual coffee morning. The children in Y4 decorated the Hall, organised a Bake Off competition and made, bought and sold a phenomenal amount of delicious cakes after learning all about the charity and how it helps those in need. Thank you to everyone who baked or bought cakes, and to everyone who found the time to come and support the children and this very worthy cause.
Year 4 Covenant With the Poor April 2019
The year 4 children arranged something a little different to raise money for the very worthy Warrington and Halton Trust charity. They created a scavenger hunt for the whole school. Class by class the children took on the course to find 15 hidden objects with a medical theme. With it being so close to Easter the prizes were, of course, chocolate eggs!
Thank you to everyone who took part, we had great fun and raised over £130 for charity. Please see our Twitter page for pictures of the event.
Foundation Stage Fun Duck Day June 2018
Following the birth of our ducklings in school Foundation stage decided to link our charity event to this. We had fun activities on our school field. These included hook an duck, pin the beak on the duck, name the duck, find the duck on a map, how many eggs are in the nest, crack the secret code and egg and spoon races. All the children also enjoyed a cake and a drink. Good fun was had by all and we raised £120.00. Many thanks for all your kind donations that will go to 'The Mission Together' Charity.
Year 1's sponsored bootcamp April 2018
Year one have been raising money for The Good Shepherd Appeal. They decided to do a sponsored bootcamp. The children had a circuit set up of 12 different exercises and they had to do 45 seconds on each exercise. We then got the grown ups to join in. The bootcamp was a huge success and raised £145.
Year 4 - Mary's Meals January 2018
In Year 4 we have been raising money and collecting lot's of items for Mary's Meals and The Backpack Project, who recycle all the items that are donated and send them out to children who need them in Malawi to help them get the most out of their education.
Year 4 were delighted when they noticed how much their posters had influenced the children of St Augustine's. We received lot's of the items wanted, such as; backpacks,exercise books, pencils, crayons, children's clothes, soap and tooth brushes.
We also had a generous donation from school of rulers and pencils, which will have a huge impact on the children in Milawi.
Thank you so much!
Year 6 - School Disco for Caritas
In December 2019, Y6 decided to raise money for Caritas, which is the new social action and social justice agency of the Diocese of Shrewsbury, seeking to develop the Church’s social mission in the years ahead. Caritas actually means ‘Christian love of humankind’ and this is the motivation that gave Y6 the impetus to want to help.
They decided to raise money by holding a school 'Christmas Disco' for Y1-6 in the school hall. With the help of Mr Bentley, the hall was transformed into a unique space and an incredible evening of dancing, 'dance offs' and snacking was enjoyed by all whilst at the same time raising money to support families in the diocese at Christmastime. This was in aid of the Caritas 'Keep the Light Shining' appeal. They certainly shone bright at the disco!
Well done to Y6 and all who helped to make the event an overwhelming success for the most vulnerable families within our diocese community.