To help us to prepare for the great feast of Easter, during Holy Week every child from Nursery to Year 6 has taken part in our Lent Prayer Trail.
At the first prayer station we thought about taking a moment to spend with God in a peaceful place; to thank Him for all that we have, for all that He has given to us. We reflected on our own personal Lenten journeys and the ways in which we can live every day nearer to Christ.
At our second station we spent time considering Jesus' time in the wilderness and the temptations he faced. We thought about the different ways we are tempted to turn away from God, finishing this station by saying the Our Father together.
At the third station we reflected on our own behaviour and thought about a time when we made the wrong choice. We said sorry to God and asked for His forgiveness. Then we wrote sorry (or a special prayer) on a piece of paper and placed it in our box of forgiveness.
At the next station we heard the parable of the Lost Sheep and reflected upon God's eternal love for us. We thought carefully about how we can share this love with others and how we could put all that we have thought about today into action throughout Lent.
Finally, we thought about how we can grow closer to God through the power of prayer. We used Pope Francis' Five Finger Prayer to help us to remember how important it is to pray for family, friends, teachers, governments, those in need and ourselves.
Advent means “ coming” and is the start of the Liturgical Year. Advent begins in “darkness” and we look forward with hope for the coming of Jesus as the “light of the World.” It is a time of waiting, of persevering in faith of getting ready spiritually for Christ's Second coming.
Advent 1-Waitng in Hope
Luke 1: 34-36
“Be on your guard. Don’t let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth. Be on the alert and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man.”
Advent 2-Bringer of Peace
Isaiah 9-1, 5 and 6
A long time ago everything seemed sad and gloomy. People felt as if they were living in the dark. But then something happened. It was though a great light brightened up their lives and made them happy. For a child will be born for us. A son given to us. And these are the names he is to be given: Strong Friend, Powerful God, Ever-loving Father, Bringer of PEACE.
The Word of the Lord

Advent 3-Joy-Jesus came for everyone
Luke 2: 8-20
The shepherds were in a field looking after their sheep when suddenly the sky filled with light and a messenger from God appeared. The shepherds were terrified, but the messenger of God said, ‘Don’t be afraid, God has sent me to bring you news of great JOY. This is a special night for everyone on earth. A baby called Jesus is to be born in Bethlehem. He is Christ the Lord.
The shepherds could hear the sound of voices praising God.
They hurried away excitedly to find the baby Jesus.

Advent 4-Bringer of Love-A King is born
Luke 1: 4-8
Joseph went from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to the town of Bethlehem in Judea, the birthplace of King David. Joseph went there because he was a descendant of David. He went to register with Mary, who was pregnant and while they were in Bethlehem, the time came for her to have her baby. She gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger as there was no room at the Inn.

Advent Prayer Trail 2024
We were delighted to invite parents/carers to join us for our Advent prayer trail. Thank you to our wonderful KS2 RE ambassadors for leading the prayer trail. It was a lovely time to pause and reflect as we prepare for the birth of Christ.