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Welcome to our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

At St Augustine's Catholic Primary School Nursery and Reception work together as an EYFS unit.

We  offer15 or 30 hours free Nursery provision to any eligible 3 and 4 year olds and our Nursery children have a smooth transition  into our Reception class.

Our session times for Nursery are:

8.40am - 11.45am 

12.15- 3.15pm


8.45am - 3.15pm for 30 hours

children can bring a packed lunch or have a hot school dinner. 

Our school day for Reception is:

8.40am till 3.15pm

Children can bring a packed lunch or have a free hot school dinner.

Please contact the school office for more information about admissions

What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?

The  Foundation Stage begins at birth  and continues throughout the Reception Year, preparing them for learning in Key Stage One.There are seven areas of learning which make up the Foundation  Stage  Curriculum. These  consist of three prime areas and four specific areas.

Prime areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

Communication and Language (CL)

Physical Development (PD)

Specific areas:

Literacy (L)

Mathematics (M)

Understanding the World (UTW)

Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)

The EYFS curriculum offers a range of experiences, allowing children to make their own discoveries. It encourages independence and ensures that children are active in their learning through play and first hand experiences. Here at St Augustine’s we have a large, well resourced outdoor area that is used daily as an integral part of our provision.   Exciting learning opportunities for both indoors and outdoors are carefully planned by our experienced EYFS team. Our stimulating learning environment and dedicated team support children to become independent, resilient lifelong learners.


Key Information

  • When should you bring your book bag?

    Please bring book bags to school everyday.  Your child can change their library book as often as they like.  The reading scheme books will be changed once a week on a Thursday.  

  • What day is PE?

    We will get changed for PE on a Friday. 

  • How much is snack?

    Snack is 1.50 per week, please pay EYFS staff on a Monday.

We had a visit from the PCSO's

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