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Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 are led by Miss Brough with assistance from Mrs Guiney.

We are looking forward to a productive year in which your child(ren) will strive to reach their full potential. 

Read on to find useful information, what we've been up to and what's to come.


Children will develop their writing skills with inspiration from a range of high quality texts including Counting on Katherine and Blue John. They will learn about and implement a range of writing tools and vocabulary to suit a number of genres.


The children will be developing their knowledge of:

  • Number and place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Properties of shape
  • Multiplication and division
  • Decimals


Year 4 will learn some Old and New Testament stories and be introduced to some important religious themes like trusting in God, symbolism and prayer.

  • What days are PE?

    PE takes place on Monday (indoors) and Friday (outdoors).

    Children are now expected to arrive to school in their full PE kits.

  • When is homework set and due back?

    Homework is handed out on a Friday afternoon. Along with this worksheet, pupils are reminded to practice the Y3/4 statutory spellings as well as their times tables which can be accessed through TTRockStars.

    Homework should then be handed back into school the following Thursday.

Autumn 1 - Science

Throughout Autumn 1, Year 4 looked at animal classification and habitats. Children have worked hard to complete the following objectives:

  • Group animals in a variety of ways
  • Identify similarities and differences
  • Gather, record and classify data
  • Create classification keys
  • Describe the layers of the rainforest
  • Explain how environmental changes can impact life and habitats
  • Describe the difference between vertibrates and invertibrates.
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