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Stay and Pray at St Augustine's

Throughout the school year, each class hosts a stay and pray session based on their current RE branch. During these sessions, parents/carers are invited to come into school and their children are able to share with them some of their RE learning. Each stay and pray session finishes with a prayer linked to the theme, and families are invited to take home a prayer card to reflect on.

EYFS Stay and Pray - Spring 2025

Our families came to 'Stay and Pray'. We showed them how we get ready to learn about Jesus by making the sign of the cross, lighting the candle and by singing the song 'God's love is very wonderful'. We discussed our school badge and mission statement as we are a 'happy' school family. Together we listened to a story about how each one of us is different and that no matter where we are in the world Jesus loves us. Sometimes however, we do get it wrong and therefore we sang our 'sorry' song.  With our family we made a fish puppet from paper shaped as a hand and we added lips made from a heart and decorated it with sequins. The fish puppet can be waved when we say sorry or used as a helping hand. We finished our 'Stay and Pray' session with our going home prayer. 

Creation Stay and Pray - Year 1 (Autumn 2024)

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