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Mrs Morris and Mrs Secker

In Year 5 we exercise our Learning Powers each and everyday to become the very best versions of ourselves we can be.  We work hard, knowing when it is possible to develop our independence and when we need to ask for help.  We also follow in the footsteps of Jesus by supporting one another along our school journey together.  On this class page, we will demonstate our work in action throughout the year and look forward to sharing with you what we achieve in school everyday.

Year 5 LTP outlines what we will cover this year in each subject

  • What homework do Y5 complete?

    Homework will reinforce the key skills of reading, spelling and maths fluency. The children will be given homework every Friday and it is to be returned to school for marking the following Tuesday.

    Each week the children will be expected to complete:

    • a Spelling, Puncutation and Grammar task
    • home reading comprehension
    • maths arithmetic
    • home reading (x3 times weekly minimum)

    Please support your child with their homework and offer guidance wherever possible.  Your child can always ask for support in school throughout the week.

  • What can I do to help?
    • Please support you children with their homework and listen to them read as often as possible. 
    • All children have access to the secure school website, which is free for them to use and is packed full of educational games and activities for them to work through. 
    • They also have access to Times Table Rockstars which is an online platform aimed at improving their speed and accuracy in recall of times table facts.
    • Finally, the children have access to Spelling Shed which is a great online platform to encourage them to practise their weekly spellings through a range of games and activities.
  • What can I do if I am stuck on my homework?

    Sometimes homework can be difficult - and it is meant to be!  Sometimes!  What we need is the resilience to try to work through challenges to find the answers to questions.  Here I will post links to useful websites to help with various aspects of  homework throughout the year.

    This first link is for Maths, as this is an area that we all need reminding about from time to time.  Particularly when it comes to which strategy to use.  Follow this link to the BBC Bitesize Maths area and find the topic and area of Maths you need help and support with.  The information and videos are always helpful!

  • Which days will PE be on?

    In year 5, PE will be on Monday and Wednesday. Children are expected to come into school wearing their PE kit for each of these days. 

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