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Year 6 - Mrs Vernon & Mrs Higham

Welcome to our class page. This year we will building upon all the fantastic skills we have already gained throughout our years here at St Augustine's Catholic Primary School.  We are ready for the challenges of Year 6 and look forward to showing what we have been learning on this webpage. 

In Year 6 we aim to develop greater independence in preparation for our transition to secondary school.We are encouraged to take on extra responsibilities around the school and to model high expectations of behaviour and learning for our younger peers to follow in our footsteps.With Christ as our guide, we will achieve everything we set out to!

Important information that you will need to know...

PE - Year 6 PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Year 6 will come to school dressed in their PE kits on these two days until further notice.

Homework - Throughout Y6, the children can: access their spellings on Spelling Shed, improve their personalised heat map on Times Tables Rockstars, choose a book to read from a range of texts on Bug Club and complete personalised Read Theory comprehensions whenever they wish. The children also have access to spag.com and maths.co.uk where they will find tasks to reinforce learning from the classroom.

  • When are PE days for Year 6?

    Year 6 have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesday. The children are to come to school dressed in their school PE kits on these days.

  • What are the Year 6 homework expectations?

    Throughout Year 6, the children are required to access the following websites:

    • Spellings on Spelling Shed
    • TTRS to further improve heat maps
    • Read Theory extracts and comprehension texts
    • spag.com for grammar skills
    • maths.co.uk for to reinforce key learning from the classroom

    Please encourage your child to read at home every day.

  • When are the statutory assessments for Year 6?

    The 2025 Year 6 SATs will take place from Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May.

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Year 6 School Council representatives

We are very pleased to present Amelia, Oliver and Neveah as our school council representatives for this school year. They have all made promises to help to make changes at our school which will benefit all members of the St Augustine's community. Together they bring many skills: creativity, kindness, good listening, confidence to speak in front of different groups of people and positivity. 

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