Online Safety
Web Filtering for Schools
Safer Internet Day 2023
For Safer Internet day this year we have been 'making space for conversations about life online'.
Safer Internet Day work at Cardinal Newman High School 2023
Four of our Year 5 children were chosen to represent our school at an internet safety worshop at Cardinal Newman High School. The children then shared their learning and presentation with Key Stage Two classes during our Safer Internet Day.
NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe 2023 (Coming soon!)
Speak out Stay safe is a safeguarding programme for children which helps helps them to understand:
- abuse and how to recognise the signs of abuse
- that abuse is never a child’s fault and they have the right to be safe
- where to get help and the sources of help available to them
NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe 2022
Safer Internet 2022 information for parents and carers

For our younger children:

For our older children:

E-Safety Page (useful tips and information)
To all Parents/Carers
Are you aware of your child's online world?
Find out more about sites and apps your child maybe using, click the link below to find out more about the content/age restrictions and whether you think they are suitable for your children.
Click on the children below to find out more about Stranger Danger
Click on 'Topsy and Tim' to find out about their top hints to help you remain safe and happy in school.
Share the 'BE SMART' rules and websites below with your children to ensure they can surf the internet safely and confidently
Follow the rules below to stay safe and Be "SMART" when using the internet.
1. NEVER give out personal information.
2. Tell someone if anything makes you feel uncomfortable
3. NEVER agree to meet anyone.
4. NEVER send a picture to anyone.
5. If someone sends anything mean or upsetting tell an adult immediately.
6. Check before you download anything.
7. Best friends NEVER ask for passwords (keep them private).
8. Share the internet with your parents and carers you can have great fun TOGETHER
Click the links below to share internet safety with your children. (lots of information to keep your children safe online) (reporting of incidents) (interactive games for your children to play and learn about internet safety) (lots of useful advice on how to protect your child whilst using the internet) Telephone Number - 0800 1111 (Information and advice on using safety tools on social networks and Online Services) (Information about how to help a child or give advice) (keeing young children safe) (Parents guide to technology) download the Hector safety button onto your computer. (ALWAYS ASK AN ADULT FIRST BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD)