Early Help
At St Augustine’s we understand that many children and families experience difficult times which can make a happy and successful home life a struggle.
We have an open door policy and if you have any worries or concerns about your child, it is always best to discuss them. You can talk to your child’s class teacher, Mrs Towey or any other adult in school. The school staff know your child well and can work with you to address any issues. We are here to help.
Sometimes, there are other problems that parents or carers need some help with. These may be concerns outside of school. We are here to listen and offer support in a non-judgemental way. If we are not able to help directly we will be able to signpost or refer you to appropriate support.
We can offer an Early Help Assessment (EHA) which involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well for you. Based on what help you would like, a plan is formulated so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help.
We may also support you with a referral to other outside agencies such as St Joseph’s Family Centre or our School Health Advisor.
If you would like any further information about accessing Early Help, then please speak to Mrs Towey
Our Early Help Partnership Link Worker, Mrs Howard, is in school for half a day each half term, the dates of which you will find on the Newsletter. You can call in or make an appointment to speak to Mrs Howard, who will signpost you to any help you may need or support you to complete an Early Help Assemment.
Warrington Borough Counicl also provide a whole range of services which you may find helpful. Please follow this link to My Life Warrington.