Weekend COVID 19 reporting
With everything going on we need to make sure you can contact us at any point over a weekend, when you are not able to contact the School Office via telephone if you, your child or someone in your house gets a positive test result for COVID 19.
Therefore, I have created an email address for you to contact us should you get a positive test result for anyone in your household. The email address is COVID19reporting@st-augustines-warrington.co.uk. This email address will be monitored by me so I can take the appropriate action should we have a positive case in our school community.
Message from Mrs Towey
Dear Parents/Carers
As we journey slowly through this current Lockdown period it is important to remember that we all have a responsibility to follow and maintain the government guidelines put in place to keep everyone safe.
When entering school premises, either outside or inside, please wear a face covering. Please do not gather in groups and maintain social distancing at all times. By observising these measures we will be able to keep the school open for all pupils.
The safety of our whole school community remains a priority.
Break times and lunchtimes remain staggered and the playground is split into into three zones to keep the Bubbles separate. Please refer to the updated risk assessment for further information on the measures being taken to keep the school community as safe as possible.
Remote Learning
if your child has to isolate for a period of time, due to coronavirus, they may access work on the school website.
Please keep reading with your children and remember 'Bug Club' has a range of stories chosen with your child in mind.
There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all. —Jacqueline Kennedy
From all of us at St Augustine's, thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Towey
The latest Government guidance can be found at:
Help primary school children continue their education during coronavirus (COVID-19)